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#2 – Moving On


As the opening number finishes, the hubbub of the New Year’s Eve party dies down and people gradually disperse, leading an excited Sophie to bump into Charlotte, who was a friend that she went to college with but hasn’t seen for a long time. They begin talking about their lives since college. Sophie animatedly describes her boyfriend and how she thinks he’s ‘the one’. Charlotte spots him over her shoulder, in the arms of another… man! She spins Sophie around to see her boyfriend (Martin) who then exits with his new ‘conquest’. 

Sophie is devastated at the scene she has just witnessed. In her head, despite the fact they hadn’t been dating for long, she had made life plans with this man and now everything has changed. Ever the optimist and dreamer, she can rarely see the glaring reality in front of her face. Can she pick herself back up again, dust herself down and carry on? 

Sophie finds out that Charlotte has a daughter, and has also been seeing someone for quite a long time now, but things are a little turbulent. Has Charlotte been involved in a torrid affair? We are not completely sure at this point, but one thing’s for certain, she’s feeling a little put upon and not being completely open or honest to anyone (including herself) about the skeletons in her closet. She’s decided not to let that get in the way of her happiness and resolves to move forward and not look back. Will she be able to stick to her New Year’s resolution? They both vow to move on to bigger and better things.

It’s a song of friendship, support and mutual experiences. It’s also a song of hope and empowerment which, as in life, sometimes requires a greater degree of inner strength and determination to fight against, lest we fall back into our old ways. This is ably demonstrated by Charlotte who, almost as soon as the number is over, is back on the phone to Simon once again! C’est la vie.

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